miércoles, 11 de marzo de 2009

MonfaGüe NatuRal ParK

Although I can not make the trip any day,my compains and teacher told me about their experience and the park.Now I will make a sumary of the most important things about Monfragüe Natural Park. Monfragüe is in the province of Cáceres it has an extraordinary mixture of water,flora and fauna.Is natural tourist attractions and attracts a large number of tourists.There are numerous species of birds for example: Blue rock,Vulture,Griffon Vulture,Short toet eagle.The black Stork is in danger of extinction.And There are other animals,for example boar and deer...The most important flora are cork oak,holm oak and arbutus.In conclusion,I think that the Park is a pleasant and exciting place to enjoy with family and friends.

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